The Royal Archaeological Institute and Public Benefit

  1. Membership of the Royal Archaeological Institute (RAI) is open to all who are interested in the history, archaeology and the history of architecture of Great Britain and Ireland.  
  2. Monthly lectures are arranged by the RAI from October to May and these are held in London. They are open to non-members by arrangement – guests are always welcome.
  3. The RAI hosts occasional seminars and conferences relating to its wide archaeological and historical interests. These are open to all.
  4. The Cheney Bursary is offered annually to any student wishing to attend a conference or event on a theme related to the Aims and Objectives of the RAI.
  5. The RAI publishes a refereed journal each year, the Archaeological Journal, and has done so since 1846 at its own expense. This is available in most academic and large public libraries as well as on-line. It can also be purchased on request. A list of contents is freely available on the RAI website. The RAI also produces consolidated indexes for the Journal and these are currently being made openly available on the RAI’s website.
  6. The RAI gives grants annually for archaeological research and excavation. The Tony Clark Memorial Fund gives grants for work involving science and archaeology. The Bunnell Lewis Research Fund provides grants for work relating to Romano-British archaeology. These awards are open to all to apply.
  7. The RAI publishes a newsletter twice a year. This can be sent to any archaeological/historical organisation requesting it. It is also despatched free to those who express an interest and selected parts are published on the website.
  8. The Institute runs a series of meetings outside London each year that visit different parts of the United Kingdom and Europe. Discussions that take place during these meetings often contribute to the interpretations of the places visited and to their conservation and management plans.
  9. The RAI has a website that is accessible to all and provides information on the RAI and how to join. It also advertises the monthly lectures with a synopsis of their contents, the meetings programme and the contents of published material.
  10. The RAI takes an active interest in current heritage issues. It participates in debates and contributes to discussion on national heritage matters and addresses areas of concern that fall within its remit.
  11. The RAI is an important advocate on issues of current concern in relevant fields and aims to respond to issues that are brought to its attention.
  12. The Council of the RAI comments on government documents and legislation, and provides advice and guidance as required.  
  13. The RAI endeavours to respond to any enquiries received from members of the public on archaeological and architectural matters within its sphere of interest and expertise.
  14. The Institute awards a prize each year for either an Undergraduate Dissertation or a Master’s Dissertation, on a rotating basis. All university departments in the United Kingdom are informed of these awards and are encouraged to nominate applicants.
  15. The RAI partners a number of other organisations by supporting their initiatives and conferences, particularly in respect to Early Career Archaeologists and young people.
  16. Whenever possible, the monthly lectures are made freely available on the Institute's YouTube channel.